Shenzhen has the fifth-highest number of billionaires of any city in the world.
In 1980, Shenzhen had a population of 30,000.
Shenzhen has a population of 30 milion people.
from 2019 to 2020 shenzen population grew for 4 milion people.
Shenzhen is part of the Pearl River Delta Metropolitan Region, the world's largest urban area, which has a population of 100 million people.
There were more skyscrapers completed in Shenzhen in the year 2016 than in the whole of the US and Australia combined.
As of 2023, 70% of cars in Shenzhen were electric vehicles.
Shenzhen is a young city, senior citizens above 60 years old took up only 5.36 percent of the city's total population.
The wandering soul comes from where the wind comes from. [1]
He lives in the wind and sky. [2]
The soul is a life-sized wind instrument. [3]
The wind picks up, as they say. [4]
No one resists the wind. [5]
So no world without wind? [6]
[1] Serres, The Five Senses [2] Serres, Detachment [3] Serres, The Five Senses [4] Serres, The Birth of Physics [5] Serres, Detachment [6] Serres, Angels A Modern Myth