I am sitting at the table with Elizabeth Murdoch and Leon Batista Alberti overlooking Notre Dame.
We are discussing Elizabeth’s new public image; her brand, her media empire, her new ‘face’ in Paris.
What is the new face of Elizabeth about? What are its drives, obsessions, colours, aspirations?
She can be anyone she desires!
Conceptualise the brand of Elizabeth
What does she want to say to the world?
Which concepts she wants to work with?
Talk to Xenotheka
Write together with prominent architects, philosophers and scientists.
Write by talking to more than 1000 books.
Write in someone else’s terms.
Archeology of concepts
Global Rituals
Examples of Brands
Is it a theatre: A Villa and a Castrum,
or a performance: A Palace and a Garden,
maybe a play: A Home and A Brand?
Spatialise the concepts!
How is she talking to the city?
HOW CAN architecture accommodate THE TALKS?
Talk to Alberti&Vitruvius
Locality, area, compartition
walls, roofs, openings
lineaments, ornament
Flavours of spaces
Local Rituals
Examples of Palaces
cycle 1 - 22.09/23.09
cycle 2 - 29.09/30/09
cycle 3 - S3e1 Powers review: 06.10 at 9.00 (ETH: HIT F 13 or ZOOM LINK ID: 985 8145 9811) - With:
HIB E 15 / HIT F 13 / FOREST